Local Leadership Takes Root

I never expected that we’d see it this soon, just two and a half years after beginning in Concepcion, but there it was right in front of me — the birth of a new generation of leaders in this community.

Sunday, after Daniel and I had wrapped up the training session with our fifteen teen reading promoters, Marcela (one of the teens) told Daniel the group had something to tell us. I have to say I felt a bit nervous as the mood was serious and they all seemed to know what this was about.

Marcela then announced that they all met the day before and formed their own action committee with a president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer. They want to take the first steps toward opening a public library in their community. And by their own initiative they formed this committee in order to make that happen — with our blessing and promise of support.

I was so choked up I could barely respond. THIS is what the work is about for me — the development of local leaders that will create a new future for their own community.

Please continue your generous support. You are making a difference!

Category: Our Impact